Saturday, September 5, 2009

From Atapuerca

The albergue last night was basic but with a good feel. Italian with a beard cooked a communal meal of soup with croutons, spaghetti with tomato and chili with the sweetest melon you ever tasted for desert, Ray and I did the dishes while others went to the chapel. The Albergue was run by a lovely Spaniard (Jose Louise a man with a great singing voice and a gentle way that really cares about the comfort and well being of people). It was a donativo, and despite my sarcastic comments we always give something (you would feel lower than a drinking lizard walking out without donating).

I felt really good today. As we left about 7am the full moon was still up as the sun was rising into a beautifull blue sky. The hilltops were covered in oak forest and the lower slopes were covered swirling post harvest wheatfields, interspersed with fields of bright sunflowers all turned to face the morning sun. The hedgerows where full of chiming birds, it was magical. We soon started climbing into the Sierra Atapuerca, 1100m up into dense oak and pine forests. Ray is still having problems with blisters even wearing my boots but I predict it will start improving tommorrow (his blistered right foot has hardened up). Met up with many of our previous aquaintences again today (Liverpool boy, Hungarian boys, German Angel, Italian Crew etc).

We have done 300 km. another 500 to go! Tommorrow we arrive at Burgos. Today we are stopping in Atapuerca, a small place but well known in anthropological circles, it is here that the earliest European hominids have been found (Homo antecessor) dating back 1 to 0.8 million years ago! Much about their life is being unearthed (they buried their dead, left cave paintings etc).


  1. Greetings and congratulations guys on your amazing journey so far! What a great experience...
    Ray, I hope your blisters go away soon - maybe that Spanish beer will help (no, not rubbing it on!)
    Keep the posts coming...
    xxx Kerry

  2. G'day Ray and pleased to meet you Ruben,

    As an old mate of Rays for many years, I am thoroughly enjoying your blog and think what you both are doing is fantastic. Ray, keep slogging mate, those blisters will harden up eventually. Ruben, great prose mate, your descriptions are vivid and they are taking all of us who are following you along with you in style.
    BTW. I saw Anita and Ayla at soccer yesterday Ray, and they are impressed no end with what you are doing. They gave me the blog site.
    Keep it up fellas, you're doing something that will change your lives. And I am not just a little bit envious.


    Ross Walker

    I always look foreward to reading these blogs. Inspiring stuff. I agree with Ross, I feel like I'm there for a little while each day. All my friends are loving the progress/stories.
    Find me a snowdome please!
    California plans are all going well.

  4. Hi Ruben and nice to meet you Ray and read about your adventures. It is me Di Edwards. I am going to settle in and read your writings this weekend, Kerry just sent me the link to your site. The photos look great, and what an amazing trip. Bit different to me sitting in office looking at at CBD Melbourne.
    Stay well and happy.

